T-Shirt Entry Questions
Here are some suggested ways to format your Apparel Entry Questions (t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.). Watch the help video or read article below to learn more.
Selling T-Shirts:
- Pricing Question? Yes, checked. Unless you're giving away t-shirts for free!
- Details Text: Any additional information you'd like exhibitors to know, or clarify what they need to do.
- Answer Type: Number
- Multiple Answer Options? Yes, checked. This allows exhibitors to choose different size t-shirts to order.
- Type in the size options. Note: The base price will automatically fill in, but you can change the rate for certain sizes as needed. This rate is what will be applied to the exhibitor's invoice.
- Exhibitor Question? No, unchecked. While you could ask each exhibitor to choose a t-shirt size, in most cases, you don't actually care what size t-shirt Billy or Sue will be wearing, but rather the total number of each size t-shirt that the group/family wants to order.
Here is what the question will look like for exhibitors. Note that the details text appears below the question:
There could be situations in which this suggested format doesn't make sense for you. Please adjust according to your needs. You can use the Preview Entry Questions button to see what your question will look like for exhibitors.
Free T-Shirts for each exhibitor:
- Pricing Question? No, unchecked. These are free t-shirts given out to each exhibitor.
- Details Text: Add in any additional details to clarify the question. In this example, we direct exhibitors to the next question if they'd like to purchase additional t-shirts.
- Answer Type: Dropdown
- Multiple Answer Options? No. In fact, this won't even be given as an option since you chose Answer Type > Dropdown. Each exhibitor will just be given the option to choose one t-shirt of a certain size.
- Type in the size options: This creates the dropdown menu that each exhibitor will choose from.
- Required? Up to you, but if you're giving away free t-shirts, you probably want to be sure to get the correct size information from each exhibitor.
- Exhibitor Question? Yes, checked. This ensures that each exhibitor gets to select a free t-shirt. They will each get to select their size from the dropdown.
Here is what the above question will look like for exhibitors. Note the arrow on the right will give them the sizes in a dropdown menu.
There could be situations in which this suggested format doesn't make sense for you. Please adjust according to your needs. You can use the Preview Entry Questions button to see what your question will look like for exhibitors.
Learn more about entry questions here or ask your show specialist if you have a specific question!