How to Collect Sponsorships

Let’s talk sponsorship:

Especially for first time shows, it can be daunting to put on a show with no startup money in the bank. How do you secure a facility or buy the necessary materials to run a show without any cash on hand?

Getting some sponsors early on can help to kick start your show and offset some costs to make the exhibitor experience better from start to finish! But how do you begin to get sponsors? 

  1. Set a goal: First things first, decide on an amount that you’d like to raise from sponsorships.
  2. Set levels of sponsorship: Break down your overall goal into smaller chunks of varying amounts. Name the different levels and create incentives for each. See sample sponsorship levels and incentives here.  Click here to view an example of Sponsor Levels and Incentives.
  3. Decide how you’ll collect sponsorship money: Will you ask sponsors to send a check to a certain location or to give their donation online right on your show page setup with Showman. Using Showman's online sponsor tool is a convenient option for everyone involved! Here is an overview of how to set up online sponsorship forms through Showman.
  4. Write a letter or sponsorship form: Your letter should include the mission and purpose of your show, outline the different levels and incentives, and explain how to give.
  5. Contact potential sponsors: Send letters to local businesses, especially industry related ones. Many farm supply companies, and even breeders, are more than happy to sponsor shows to get their names out there. You can also post on social media to spread the word and get sponsors on board! 
  6. Create incentive products: Design (Canva is a great online design site and its free!) and order any banners, posts, advertisements, etc. that were promised to sponsorship levels.
  7. Thank your sponsors: Be sure to send a traditional thank you later (see sample thank you letter here), with maybe some extra goodies too: a small gift, a shout out on social media, etc. Some shows also require exhibitors to write a small thank you to a sponsor as a part of their showmanship experience. 
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